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Category: Other

The Purpose of a Coven ?>

The Purpose of a Coven

Introduction Covens and other kinds of magickal groups, including study groups, fraternal lodges, and churches, serve various purposes. How can we describe these purposes? I propose the following broad categories: Community Teaching Worship Magick Initiation Below, when I say “pagan” I mean generally those who follow non-Christian paths (e.g., the same use as in Pagan Pride Day). When I say “mainstream churches” I mean Christian churches in 21st century America. Community Fellowship Fellowship includes the breaking of bread, sharing of meals,…

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When does the journey begin? ?>

When does the journey begin?

When does the journey begin? Surely, when the first steps are taken, we are already past the beginning. Consider the words of the Sphinx: “To know, to will, to do, and to keep silent.” When we take the first step on the journey, we have already acquired knowledge and we have already crystalized our will. The first step is only the beginning of the “to do” part. We took the first step and signed up for The Nascent Magician course…

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