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Month: August 2016

Saturnine 8-13-16 ?>

Saturnine 8-13-16

Saturn, Holy Wanderer Saturn the stern mother who sets limits Who says, no more This you can do but no more. Face your mortality, your numbered days And live. Live within the constraints, the structure of the sonnet, And in that structure, be free, say what you will. Give up the impossible. The mind struggles with unseen obstacles Before it gives in Accepting what is. Time of limitations The hard lessons define the edges of the path. Between young and old, at the midpoint, at the crossroads, Seeking the treasure, always hidden and yet always present. Right here, at my feet. Where else could it be?

J. Daniel Gunther’s Initiation in the Æon of the Child ?>

J. Daniel Gunther’s Initiation in the Æon of the Child

Title: Initiation in the Æon of the Child Author: J. Daniel Gunther Publisher: Ibis Press Release Date: 2014 Pages: 223 J. Daniel Gunther’s Initiation in the Æon of the Child: The Inward Journey is pretentious and difficult. The reader is expected to have, at minimum, the ability to read common Hebrew words (e.g., God and angel names) without transliteration and to have a fairly extensive background in the Western Magickal Tradition, qabalah, and Thelema. The author often makes a point with…

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