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Month: May 2016

Edward Bernays’ Crystalizing Public Opinion ?>

Edward Bernays’ Crystalizing Public Opinion

Title: Crystallizing Public Opinion Author: Edward L. Bernays Genre: Propaganda Publisher: Ig Publishing Release Date: May 2011 Pages: 204 Edward Bernays published his first book on the new profession of “public relations counsel”, Crystalizing Public Opinion, in 1923. The First World War had ended; his uncle, Sigmund Freud had published A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis a few years prior (in 1920); and the US Post Office was destroying copies of James Joyce’s Ulysses. Bernays used the phrase “public relations counsel” because he wanted to imply…

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Augury ?>


“In the corner of my eye She reared up A gale, a storm wind, Owl wings banking- She turned Her face to me- Relentless gaze- Chaos, or Holy Wisdom.” What does it mean when the world around you speaks and you begin to hear? Arcane messages reach you, from whom do they come? Does the Earth itself speak in a never- ending stream, in the language of dreams and symbols? Do the Gods speak to those who invoke their names…

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Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich ?>

Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

Title: Think and Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill Genre: Self-Help Release Date: 1937 Pages: 294 [In Lesson 4 of Kevin Trent Boswell’s The Nascent Magician course, the student must pick a book from a list of recommended reading and write a “book report” about it. This turned out to be one of the longest writing assignments in the course so far, and I ended up picking a book that I probably would never have read otherwise.] Napoleon Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich…

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When does the journey begin? ?>

When does the journey begin?

When does the journey begin? Surely, when the first steps are taken, we are already past the beginning. Consider the words of the Sphinx: “To know, to will, to do, and to keep silent.” When we take the first step on the journey, we have already acquired knowledge and we have already crystalized our will. The first step is only the beginning of the “to do” part. We took the first step and signed up for The Nascent Magician course…

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